Posts with the tag “leadership”

The Best Advice I Ever Got / Guest Post by Mike Zumpano
April 19th, 2024
Ten years ago, I started my career in collegiate coaching. I made an internal discovery early on in my coaching journey that has made the greatest impact in my leadership experience. I stumbled upon a...  Read More
by Mike Zumpano
Immeasurably More / Guest Post by Josh Harrell
April 19th, 2024
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generation...  Read More
by Josh Harrell
30 Day Challenge Intro
January 6th, 2024
Hey Teammates,As competitors for Christ, many of us believe our significance is determined by our performance and what others think. Consequently, we struggle with fear, insecurity, and lack of confid...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
It's all about the "W" / Guest Post by Brad Newburg
November 19th, 2023
2 Corinthians 12:9 ESVBut he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of C...  Read More
by Brad Newburg
5 Jobs of a Spiritual Leader – Week 5 – Pour Jesus into People
September 15th, 2023
“And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in ...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
5 Jobs of a Spiritual Leader - Week 4 - Follow the Holy Spirit
September 10th, 2023
As Spiritual Leaders, we follow the Holy Spirit in everything. He leads. We follow. Our job is not to force Jesus or the Gospel upon anyone. We need to get in sync with the Holy Spirit, follow His lea...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
5 Jobs of a Spiritual Leader - Week 3 - Pray Like a Spiritual Giant
September 3rd, 2023
The number 3 non-negotiable job of a Spiritual Leader is to Pray Like a Spiritual Giant. As leaders, we must be committed to intercessory prayer and we must PRAY BIG. As Samuel Chadwick once said,...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
5 Jobs of a Spiritual Leader - Week 2 - Passionately Pursue Jesus
August 25th, 2023
The number 2 non-negotiable job of a Spiritual Leader is to passionately pursue Jesus. If we want our team to live like spiritual champions in every area (practice, games, gym, relationships, spiritu...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
5 Jobs of a Spiritual Leader - Week 1 - Abide in Christ
August 20th, 2023
The number one job of a Spiritual Leader is to Abide in Christ. He alone is the Power Source. He is the Vine who produces fruit. It is not our wisdom, hard work, charisma, creativity, or giftedness ...  Read More
by Gary Steffes



30 Day Challenge Day 17: I Am Absolutely Significant, For I Am Salt And Light In This World30 Day Challenge Day 8: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Forgiven 30 Day Challenge Day 9: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Righteous30 Day Challenge Day 10: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Holy And Beloved 30 Day Challenge Day 11: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Justified By Faith30 Day Challenge Day 12: I Am Totally Accepted By God30 Day Challenge Day 13: I Am Absolutely Significant, For I Am A Child of God 30 Day Challenge Day 14: I Am Absolutely Significant For I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made30 Day Challenge Day 15: I Am Absolutely Significant For I Am Part Of The Royal Priesthood 30 Day Challenge Day 16: I Am Absolutely Significant, For I Am A Member Of Christ’s Body And A Temple Of The Living God30 Day Challenge Day 5: I Am Deeply Loved For I Am Cared For And Protected30 Day Challenge Day 18: I Am Completely Secure In Christ30 Day Challenge Day 19: I Am Completely Secure, For No One Can Snatch Me Out Of The Father’s Hands30 Day Challenge Day 20: I Am Completely Secure, For I Am Sealed By The Holy Spirit30 Day Challenge Day 21: I Am Completely Secure, For I Am Protected By The Power of God Through Faith30 Day Challenge Day 22: I Am Entirely New In Christ30 Day Challenge Day 23: I Am Entirely New, For I Have Been Given A New Heart30 Day Challenge Day 24: I Am Entirely New, For My Old Life Is Dead. I Have Been Raised To New Life30 Day Challenge Day 25: I Am Entirely New, For I Am Now A Citizen Of Heaven30 Day Challenge Day 26: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Witness30 Day Challenge Day 27: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am An Ambassador For Christ30 Day Challenge Day 28: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Disciple Maker 30 Day Challenge Day 29: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Chosen Instrument 30 Day Challenge Day 6: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Fully KnownThe Transformative Power of Humility and Faith / Guest Post by David NippardSee What God Did On Prayer Day 2024God is Able by Gary SteffesImmeasurably More / Guest Post by Josh HarrellThe Best Advice I Ever Got / Guest Post by Mike Zumpano30 Day Challenge: What's Next?30 Day Challenge: Celebration Day30 Day Challenge Day 1: I Am Deeply Loved30 Day Challenge Day 2: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Chosen30 Day Challenge Day 3: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Rescued From The Power Of Sin And Death30 Day Challenge Day 4: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Yearned For And Desired By God30 Day Challenge Day 30: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Fisher Of Men 30 Day Challenge Day 7: I Am Deeply Loved, For Nothing Can Separate Me From His Love

