Posts with the tag “confidence”

5 Tips for Confidence in a New Season by Gary Steffes
September 19th, 2024
Every Competitor fights for confidence. When an athlete lacks confidence, their performance suffers. At every level, there is a fight to overcome the fear of failure, insecurity, comparison traps, per...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
Chasing Dreams and Pursuing Christ / Guest Post by Mitch Fossier
July 25th, 2024
When I was growing up as an athlete, it often time felt like a balancing act trying to live out my identity as a Christian while pursuing a sport competitively. I always wanted to display my faith in ...  Read More
by Mitch Fossier
Unstoppable Confidence by Gary Steffes
July 11th, 2024
Confidence is possible. For years, I believed the opposite. In my career, confidence was one of my greatest struggles. I remember being on a bus trip to Ohio State University, wrestling again with fea...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
"B.U." - by Gary Steffes
February 4th, 2024
March 2009 — I woke up in my Washington D.C. hotel room filled with excitement. We, the Miami Redhawks, were in the Division I NCAA National Championship game. Two nights prior, in our first Frozen Fo...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
30 Day Challenge Intro
January 6th, 2024
Hey Teammates,As competitors for Christ, many of us believe our significance is determined by our performance and what others think. Consequently, we struggle with fear, insecurity, and lack of confid...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
All Eyes On You / Guest Post by Chris Kerr
November 3rd, 2023
What Jesus said in The Sermon on the Mount must be taken to heart, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” Athletes truly, truly are the city on the hill.For athletes,...  Read More
by Chris Kerr
Overcoming Comparison Traps
October 27th, 2023
Why is it called a Comparison Trap? Because there are no wins in comparisons. They ensnare us as athletes and kill our confidence. When we compare ourselves with others, we either end up feeling sup...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
4 Ways to be a BOLD Christian Athlete and have an Eternal Impact for Christ / Guest Post by Chris Heaton
October 13th, 2023
What am I called to do? What should I focus on? How can I ensure people see the change in my life? What will others think? Could I face backlash? How do I know if I’ll make a difference?...  Read More
by Chris Heaton
3 Focus Points to Excel at Training Camp This Year
August 7th, 2023
2023 Training Camps are here! The off-season work is done. The previous season is behind us. It’s go time! Are you ready to excel at training camp this year with confidence? Every training camp is...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
5 Tips to Overcome Insecurity
July 28th, 2023
Insecurity can be a killer. It results in lack of confidence, hesitancy, and decreased performance. Worst of all, many feel hopeless to overcoming the problem. This was my story. Then Jesus Christ...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
5 Tips to Strong Confidence
July 21st, 2023
Every Competitor fights for confidence. At every level, there is a fight to overcome: - The fear of failure and what others think - Insecurity - Comparison traps - Performance anxiety - Discourageme...  Read More
by Gary Steffes



30 Day Challenge Day 17: I Am Absolutely Significant, For I Am Salt And Light In This World30 Day Challenge Day 8: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Forgiven 30 Day Challenge Day 9: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Righteous30 Day Challenge Day 10: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Holy And Beloved 30 Day Challenge Day 11: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Justified By Faith30 Day Challenge Day 12: I Am Totally Accepted By God30 Day Challenge Day 13: I Am Absolutely Significant, For I Am A Child of God 30 Day Challenge Day 14: I Am Absolutely Significant For I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made30 Day Challenge Day 15: I Am Absolutely Significant For I Am Part Of The Royal Priesthood 30 Day Challenge Day 16: I Am Absolutely Significant, For I Am A Member Of Christ’s Body And A Temple Of The Living God30 Day Challenge Day 5: I Am Deeply Loved For I Am Cared For And Protected30 Day Challenge Day 18: I Am Completely Secure In Christ30 Day Challenge Day 19: I Am Completely Secure, For No One Can Snatch Me Out Of The Father’s Hands30 Day Challenge Day 20: I Am Completely Secure, For I Am Sealed By The Holy Spirit30 Day Challenge Day 21: I Am Completely Secure, For I Am Protected By The Power of God Through Faith30 Day Challenge Day 22: I Am Entirely New In Christ30 Day Challenge Day 23: I Am Entirely New, For I Have Been Given A New Heart30 Day Challenge Day 24: I Am Entirely New, For My Old Life Is Dead. I Have Been Raised To New Life30 Day Challenge Day 25: I Am Entirely New, For I Am Now A Citizen Of Heaven30 Day Challenge Day 26: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Witness30 Day Challenge Day 27: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am An Ambassador For Christ30 Day Challenge Day 28: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Disciple Maker 30 Day Challenge Day 29: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Chosen Instrument 30 Day Challenge Day 6: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Fully KnownThe Transformative Power of Humility and Faith / Guest Post by David NippardSee What God Did On Prayer Day 2024God is Able by Gary SteffesImmeasurably More / Guest Post by Josh HarrellThe Best Advice I Ever Got / Guest Post by Mike Zumpano30 Day Challenge: What's Next?30 Day Challenge: Celebration Day30 Day Challenge Day 1: I Am Deeply Loved30 Day Challenge Day 2: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Chosen30 Day Challenge Day 3: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Rescued From The Power Of Sin And Death30 Day Challenge Day 4: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Yearned For And Desired By God30 Day Challenge Day 30: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Fisher Of Men 30 Day Challenge Day 7: I Am Deeply Loved, For Nothing Can Separate Me From His Love

