Get Strengthened as a Man of God!

Our Journey community is pursuing an intimate, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. Groups meet weekly from August to April. New people are ALWAYS welcome!

Every Coach and Competitor needs Soul Care.
Without It...

Confidence Drops

Emotions go unprocessed, thoughts become negative, and eternal perspective is lost. Fear and insecurity increase. Confidence drops.

Leadership Suffers

 We make poor decisions, lack courage, and struggle to lead effectively. Our inner world is in turmoil, Leadership suffers.

Sin Multiplies

Hindrances take root in our hearts that distance us from the Power Source, Jesus Christ, As a result, we lose strength. Sin multiplies.

What is the Journey?

The Journey is a discipleship process to help Competitors find an intimate, abiding relationship with Christ that will enable them to become transformational Coaches, Athletes, and Champions in their world.
As Competitors, when we experience intimacy with Christ, we start to walk by the Spirit and bear fruit that lasts for eternity!

"These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full." John 15:11


Chris H.

Former US Diving & Elite CrossFit
"Journey has gotten me to change my perspective and lens on how I approach and view my relationship with Jesus Christ. Intimacy with Jesus by seeking him and abiding in him are the most important things. Journey has revealed to me how hindrances can limit me from experiencing the fullness of God, he has so much more to give the deeper our relationship gets!"

Marc B. 

Former NHL Hockey Player
"Journey has been a great tool for me. It leads me to examine my heart and provides a great opportunity for consistent fellowship with brothers in Christ."

Jeff B.

College Hockey Coach
"I've enjoyed the camaraderie and mutual respect that has formed during The Journey meeting times, and it's a special outcome that exists due to the nature of seeking after Jesus together. Learning to abide with Jesus, to walk daily with him, is becoming a greater focus for me every day. It's truly a great encouragement, challenge and joy to do so alongside these men!"

Mike W.

Business Leader & Parent
"The Journey experience has opened my eyes to what abiding in Christ truly means. I’m learning that God has so much more for us in life if we seek Him with personal abandonment and absolute trust. I’m discovering how to do that better each day, and I sense God transforming my heart and working in my life in new and exciting ways!"

"Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest."
- Jesus

Soul Care Tools


The Journey is a discipleship process to help Competitors find an intimate, abiding relationship with Christ that will enable them to become transformational Coaches, Athletes, and Champions in their world.

Identity Challenge

We are not defined by our performance and what others think. We are who God declares us to be! Start standing on God's promises and walking in victory today! 

Freedom in Christ

Freedom in Christ is a targeted process to help Competitors experience freedom from enemies like pride, anger, unforgiveness, fear, debilitating negative thoughts, and shame. "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36)

More Soul Care Resources

The Pure Encouragement Podcast

Check out the Pure Encouragement Podcast to get encouraged in your faith as a Competitor for Christ!