Taking Territory for Christ - Guest Post by Karson Kaebel

As I have meditated on the Word of God and asked the Holy Spirit what I should share, He keeps leading me to share the importance of being bold for Christ in the sport world and how it can be done with grace and wisdom. 

I grew up in a wonderful, loving family that resembled “Leave it to Beaver” in Pekin, IL, with two hockey-playing brothers and a sister. As I grew older and pursued my dream of playing in the National Hockey League, I leaned into my upbringing instilled by my Dad - that included hard work, discipline, and staying away from girls, drugs and alcohol. I was bold in the fact that I would tell others I wanted to play in the NHL. However, it was done with a spirit of pride and self righteousness. Hockey always left me with a feeling of unfulfillment.

God used these struggles to lead me to Christ four years later, and I became on fire for Jesus. I was now a Born Again pro hockey player who relied on performance. I pushed that on myself and others while not relying on God’s grace. It left me serving Jesus but being very judgmental. Being bold for Christ was a priority for me so others on my team would get saved, however, at times I was harsh in my language toward my teammates. As I've matured in my faith over the last decade, Jesus has taught me how to be a better man, husband, and father to help influence others toward Christ.
I have learned that if I am going to have influence it has to be done with boldness, (“The righteous shall be bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1) AND with God’s amazing grace. Once I realized that God loved my teammates more than I did, it took the pressure off to perform. All I had to do was just live the Christian life in front of them and trust in His timing to give them the truth of the Gospel. 
I also learned to be wise with whom you share your dreams and goals, so that the Lord will promote you in due season. (“I am sending you out like sheep in the midst of wolves, be wise as snakes and as innocent as doves.” Matthew 10:16). My dreams of playing in the NHL never happened, but as I lived by faith and trusted the Lord’s plan for my life, it set me free to live with more joy.
Why did I feel led to use “Taking Territory for Christ” as my title? Well, when I radically got saved in the 90’s I had a vision to see the hockey world won for Christ. In my eight -year journey of playing pro hockey I saw so many hockey players struggling. My prayer ever since has been to see revival in the hockey world. If that dream is going to come to fruition then boldness and grace have to be done with wisdom to see walls come down so Jesus can be lifted up. I am drawn to the spirit of Grace that rests upon Pure Encouragement Ministry and how God is using Gary in the hockey world.

Gary often teaches that “Jesus Christ has won and as we follow His lead we are not victims in any situation. In fact we are always the winner because Jesus won.” My prayer as you read this blog is that you will be wise and take territory in your sphere of influence and do it with boldness and grace. (“He who wins souls is wise.” Proverbs 11:30)
Karson has been happily married to Shannon for 27 years. They currently are raising 6 beautiful children in Dallas, Texas and he has been actively coaching and training hockey players for 25 years. His passion is to see his players fulfill their God given destiny both on and off the ice.


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