Serve Before Kings / Guest Post by Jason Small

Growing up, I was a prototypical athlete. I wanted to be the best at whatever I did. I felt the need to perform well no matter what and was miserable when I didn’t. I had a natural ability to play multiple sports but for some reason I chose to play hockey - the sport I enjoyed the most but was probably the worst at.

Choosing hockey led me down the path of playing both juniors and in college. Even though I didn't play at the highest levels, my desire to perform was still there; I hated playing poorly. Unfortunately, this was my story in college. I played poorly and was hurt more often than not.

During a period of time where I was injured and couldn’t play, my future weighed pretty heavily on my heart, and I came across this verse:

“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings. He will not serve before obscure men.” Proverbs 22:19

I had read this verse before - it wasn’t new to me - but this time when I read it, it jumped off the page at me. I believe the LORD spoke this word directly to me concerning my future.

After wrestling with it for several months, I decided to move on from hockey my senior year of college and pursue becoming a strength and conditioning coach. God's grace abounded. A world of opportunity began to open up. Soon, I found myself serving a strength coach in several incredible places: Division 1 Football, Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning, GVN Performance and the US National Team Development Program (NDTP).

“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings. He will not serve before obscure men.” Proverbs 22:19

God made good on His word!

My purpose in writing this blog is to encourage others that all of this worked out because of God’s grace. It was God’s grace that allowed me to play a sport I wasn’t that great at. It was God’s grace that allowed me to get hurt and possibly see a different future. It was God’s grace that brought me to serve at all these different places. It will be God’s grace that allows me to go wherever I go next.

Don’t get me wrong, I did have to put in a lot of work to get to be where I’m at in the field. I don’t believe God is opposed to effort. Scripture is full of men who worked hard and trusted God at the same time. Yet, God always gets the glory. His grace is at work in all of our lives as followers of Jesus. Therefore, we can stay encouraged!

“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings. He will not serve before obscure men.” Proverbs 22:19

This verse has impacted my life greatly. Yet, ultimately, my purpose as a coach is not to climb a ladder or serve before kings. I have a motive that reaches deeper than all of that - to testify to God’s grace. That’s why I coach. I pray you will use your sport or coaching platform to do the same.

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