The Power of Laser Focus by Gary Steffes

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5)

I love the New Year. For me, it is a time of reflection and goal setting. I find great joy in celebrating the previous year and planning forward with hope and possibility.  
The problem I often run into is setting too many goals!  
I set multiple goals for spiritual life, marriage, family, work, finances, health, and miscellaneous. In the end, I have 15-20 focus points. Sadly, I end up hindering myself more than empowering myself.  
Have you ever heard the phrase, “the person who tries to catch two rabbits at once will fail at catching both”? This illustrates perfectly the need for focus in goal setting. Studies show that the more goals a person has, the less likely they are to achieve ANY of them!  
I am learning to implement this as I get older. So, as I enter 2024, I am simplifying my list. I am learning to become laser focused!  

Laser Focused Explained

Light is powerful. As John writes, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). When you turn a lamp on in a darkened room, it provides light and drives out the darkness. When that light becomes focused in one direction, it becomes powerful to the point that it can cut through steel—it becomes a laser.   
To put it simply, the more focused the light is, the stronger it becomes.  
In the same way, when I set a multitude of goals, it is like bringing a lamp into a dark room. Light shines as I reset and refocus. I stop running aimlessly and start moving forward with purpose (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).  
Even better, if I simplify my list of goals into one, maybe two, specific targets, I become strong like a laser that can cut through steel. All my energies, efforts, and decisions get concentrated in one direction. I become laser focused.

Becoming Laser Focused

As I enter 2024, I am learning to become laser focused as a Competitor for Christ. 
I believe there is value in setting goals in multiple areas of life, but my aim is one (max two) in each of the main categories.  
  • Spiritual life 
  • Personal life 
  • Finances 
  • Health 
  • Work 

Like spokes on the wheel of a tire, these five areas make up my life.  
  • Spiritual life includes my walk with Jesus Christ and His church.  
  • Personal life includes my marriage, family, and community. 
  • Finances include stewarding the resources God has given me to manage and use for His Kingdom. 
  • Health includes my personal fitness, nutrition, and sleep habits. 
  • Work includes my sport, career, and academics.  
With one goal in each area, no matter what direction I look, I am laser focused on one specific target that has been prayed through and aimed at beforehand.  
My confidence goes up.  
And so does the likelihood of execution. 

Action Steps

Here is my process for goal setting.  
Step 1—Get intimately connected to Jesus Christ.
Step 2—Establish one (maybe two) goal in each area
Step 3—Write the goals down.
Step 4—Attack the year!
I have learned I will miss the mark completely if I do not align myself with the Lord first. Jesus Christ is the Power Source. He is the Vine who produces fruit. Apart from Him I can do nothing (John 15:4-5).  
Therefore, I often start the year with a fast, and take time to diligently pray and ask:
  • Lord, what are You leading me to pursue this year?  
  • Am I aligned with You in each of these areas—spiritually, personal life, finances, health, and work?  
  • What do I need to change to get aligned with You Lord? 
  • What else do I need to know as I enter this New Year?  
Once my goals are established, I fight to write them down in a place I can see them daily. Studies show that there is a 42% increase in execution when a goal is written down! That is an easy task for such a huge gain!

A Final Note

Be encouraged Competitors! This process is AWESOME! Remember, the person who tries to catch two rabbits at once will fail at catching both. Let’s get aligned with the Lord and attack this year with laser focus! I cannot wait to see what God does this year and to become laser-focused alongside you!
Happy New Year!
Gary Steffes is the Executive Director at Pure Encouragement. Following a seven year professional hockey career, Gary has served on staff in multiple ministries since 2012, including the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Stonebriar Community Church, and Influencers Bakersfield. Gary has authored multiple books, hosts the Pure Encouragement Podcast, and is on mission to strengthen and encourage Competitors for Christ.


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