"B.U." - by Gary Steffes

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” (Psalm 139:13-14)

March 2009 — I woke up in my Washington D.C. hotel room filled with excitement. We, the Miami Redhawks, were in the Division I NCAA National Championship game. Two nights prior, in our first Frozen Four appearance, we beat the Bemidji State University Beavers. Now, we were set to take on the top-seeded Boston University Terriers at the Verizon Center.
I could barely hold in the thrill of playing in such a prestigious game. My mind was a roller coaster of emotions. Every time I thought of winning, my heart surged with joy. If I considered losing, I forced myself to focus. I was nervous. With everything on the line, it was do-or-die and one of the most exciting games of my career. 
As our team went through a typical gameday morning and finished the pre-game skate, I knew my mindset was not in the right place. My emotions were too sporadic. In view of the game's magnitude, I was trapped thinking I needed to be better than I had ever been before. Being myself was not good enough. “It was the National Championship game!” 
I called Don, a tremendous friend and leadership counselor, for advice. “As I shared with him my thoughts, I’ll never forget his response. “Gary… just be you. You do not need to do everything tonight. You be you, the best you can be, and other guys will use their gifts to be the best they can be. When everyone unites together, you will be an incredible team. Just be you.”

My short conversation with Don calmed my nerves, but to be honest, I was only about 90% sold. It was the National Championship game, the peak of all college hockey. There is no way I could just be myself. 
We pulled into the garage beneath the 17,000-seat venue two hours before puck drop. ESPN signs were scattered all over the Verizon Center. Press conferences, media teams, and TV crews were buzzing in every direction. 
When we entered the ice for warm-ups, the atmosphere was electric. In one corner stood the Boston Terrier fans yelling and waving school flags. In the opposite, our Miami fans screamed and sang. Bands from each school played respective fight songs and fought for superiority. The building was entirely sold out. It was the biggest game of my life to date. 
After the national anthem, excitement and nerves coursed through my veins. This was it. I took it all in and fought to focus. With only a minute before puck drop, I looked up at the massive HD screen overhanging center ice and was cut to the heart by what I saw. There displayed before the entire Verizon Center was an enormous Boston University logo—a terrier surround by two big letters…BU. 
At that moment, God whispered to me. “Gary, just B.U.” 
I was sold. No more doubts. My nerves calmed, and I smiled. That night, I played one of the best games of my college career. The Lord even blessed me to score the first National Championship goal in Miami Hockey history, a memory I will cherish forever.

Do you ever struggle to Be You?

In Psalm 139:13-14 it says, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”  
God has made each of us with intentionality and purpose. The word “fearfully” means God made us with a sense of awe, reverence, and respect. The word “wonderfully” means we are distinct, separated, and distinguished. In other words, the Greatest Artist hand-crafted us to be unbelievably unique and special.  
How often I have struggled to be who God made me to be! I have spent years of my life trying to be other people.  
Growing up, I often envied my teammates gifts, talents, and unique strengths. I looked at my friends at school and wished I had their personalities and charisma. I struggled to be excited about who God made me to be.  
In recent years, God is changing my perspective. I am incredibly thankful for who God made me to be. He loves me with all my quirks and weaknesses. He chose me from before the foundation of the world even though I am not as good at sports as some people. He rejoices over me with shouts of joy because He considers me fearfully and wonderfully made.  
I am learning it is time I accept it! I get to worship God by embracing the gifts, talents, personality, strengths, weaknesses, and looks God has given me.  
Thank you, Lord for who you made me to be! Today, I say THANK YOU. Please help me be the man and Competitor for Christ you made me to be! Please help my Teammates reading this post to do the same! 
BU, friends!  
Crush the day for Jesus!

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