Immeasurably More / Guest Post by Josh Harrell

Immeasurably More

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. - Ephesians 3:20-21

I have experienced God speak this Scripture into my life first hand. In my walk with Christ, I reflect on how God has always promised me immeasurably more. It’s been easy for me to see and feel God’s presence and power in the success and accolades over the course of my life, but what if I told you God has revealed Himself all the more through my setbacks, pain, and suffering? Here’s a glimpse of my story and how God is faithful in promising us immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine for His glory.

The Struggle to Surrender

At the start of this past season, I was more than prepared to have a successful season. Physically, I was playing my best hockey and trained as hard as I could to be in the best shape possible for a long, laborious season. Mentally, I felt more equipped to serve my team as captain and be the spiritual leader God was calling me to be. Spiritually, I was deeply rooted in faith and was walking steadfast with my eyes on Jesus. I was more than ready to attack the season and had big plans to achieve big things.

However, there was one small hinderance holding me back that I was deliberately ignoring. I had been playing through a torn labrum in my left shoulder for over a year that I would eventually have to get surgically repaired. It was an injury that was progressively getting worse with time, but I was refusing to surrender it to God. The timeline of recovery scared me, and I felt there was never going to be a perfect time to get the surgery done. Typically, the recovery time for this injury is 4-6 months, which would possibly cost me my whole season. Surgery was something I knew was coming, but I was dealing with it on my own will and timeline. I was putting my ambition and timeline over God’s will and timeline. I remember thinking, “If I’ve dealt with this injury for this long, I can make it through another season. I don’t have time to get surgery. I can do this.” I let this physical barrier fester and turn into a massive spiritual battle between my flesh and spirit. I knew it was only a matter of time before I had to hang up the skates and do what was right, but little did I know that the struggle to surrender this to the Lord was holding me back from God doing immeasurably more in my life.

Moment of Surrender

As the beginning of the season started to pick up speed, I quickly grew weary and lost the confidence I had at the start of the season. Through the grind of training camp and high intensity practices, my injury had become too much for me to handle. In spite of that, I believed this injury was still my battle to fight. I wasn’t going to roll over and give in to surgery yet. Nonetheless, I started to dread showing up to the rink and suiting up everyday because I knew the excruciating pain that was ahead of me with my shoulder popping out of place after taking a hit or even just shooting a puck. After playing the first two games of the season, I was finally brought to a place of full surrender. This battle wasn’t mine to fight anymore. After the second game, I stepped off the ice filled with emotion and tears in my eyes. I sat in the hallway outside our locker room and prayed, “God, I surrender, not my will, but your will be done.” God then made it clear to me what was next. Now was the time for surgery. All the thoughts and ideas of personal success on the ice or fears of my team being without their captain for the season fled my mind immediately. My focus was quickly directed to following where God was leading me and living in harmony with His will. Although this meant possibly sacrificing my whole season, He gave me a peace that He had a plan to prosper me, not harm me (Jeremiah 29:11). God was slowly revealing that He was going to do immeasurably more and that the best was yet to come.

Test and Trial

After fully surrendering the battle to the Lord, I was motivated and expectant of what the Lord was going to do through my recovery. I believed God knew the desires of my heart, and that He would give me the strength to come back stronger. By God’s miraculous work, my journey back on the ice began quickly. I was able to get surgery on October 3rd, 2023, 9 days after my moment of surrender. I hit the ground running with my recovery and God was continuing to write my story. I believed wholeheartedly He had the ability to give me the opportunity to suit up at the end of the season and get the chance to play for a national championship. Although I was intentionally seeking the Lord and following Him in my recovery, that doesn’t mean there were times I became disappointed, discouraged, or frustrated. For instance, my first appointment with my surgeon before scheduling surgery, he explained that playing hockey competitively again would be uncertain, let alone coming back to finish the season. There were also many difficult days with juggling schoolwork, serving the team as captain however I could, and being diligent with physical therapy. Through it all, I was redirected to the Lord, and He was still able to provide joy and peace. There were numerous times over the course of my recovery where I was given a choice to give in to my fleshly desires or stay encouraged and seek the Lord with the plan and purpose He had set out before me. Through the difficulty of carrying on through the season watching from from the stands, the Lord was still able to bless me with an unexplainable joy. It was only through seeking His kingdom and righteousness He was able to give me these things! (Matthew 6:33)

After 3 months of persevering through faith, I was able to return to the ice and play the last 5 regular season games. God promised and delivered immeasurably more! Enduring this trial gave me a whole new perspective of God’s character and love for me. He desires us to live in abundance and to do immeasurably more through us for His glory. Only through God’s faithfulness and strength was I able to withstand the test and overcome what was seemingly impossible. For with God, all things are possible! (Matthew 19:26)

More Than a Conquerer

Romans 8:39 says, “…in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” God sees us as more than conquerers through the work of our Savior, Jesus! When our focus is directed to the suffering that Jesus endured on the cross, we are given a hope and purpose in the midst of our present suffering, for it doesn’t compare to the glory that will be revealed to us (Romans 8:18). In times of hardship and uncertainty, God freely gives us the wisdom, strength, and joy to overcome trial and do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine! Trials and adversity don’t define us, they refine us into who God is creating us to be. It’s up to us to seek Jesus in times of hardship for our source of strength, joy, and peace.

Climbing the mountain of recovery and healing from this injury has been one of the greatest joys I have ever experienced. As I set my eyes forward on continuing to carry out my vision as a competitor, captain, and Christ follower, I will always reflect and remember what God has done through me during this season. In Deuteronomy 8, Moses reminds the Israelites of God’s faithfulness, providence, and guidance in leading them to the promised land. The Israelites faced 40 years of wilderness, and Moses told them to not forget how God provided for them during their journey and to stay obedient to God’s commandments. God was able to do immeasurably more for the Israelites with providing for them in the midst of trial, and Moses made sure the Israelites wouldn’t forget it!

If you find yourself in the wilderness, your promised land is around the corner. Stay faithful and obedient to the Lord, you are able to do immeasurably more through Christ! If you find yourself on a mountain top, don’t forget how the Lord has orchestrated your success. It’s for His glory alone!

No matter if you find yourself in a valley or at a mountain top in your journey, be encouraged that you are able to do immeasurably more through Christ. As you seek His kingdom and righteousness, God will bless you abundantly, so that in all things in all times, you will have all that you need, and you will abound in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:8).
Josh Harrell is from Nashville, TN playing for Liberty University’s Men’s Division 2 hockey team. Harrell is in his junior year serving as captain for his second consecutive season while majoring in Exercise Science and minoring in Biomedical Sciences. Prior to his time at Liberty University, Harrell grew up playing AAA for the Nashville Jr. Predators and York Skipjacks, and played junior hockey for the Utah Outliers in the USPHL. He not only strives to be a fierce competitor on the ice, but also has a vision to impact others by leaving an eternal legacy for God’s glory.

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