Posts with the category “stories”

Trusting God Through Difficult Times / Guest Post by Samuel Feamster
September 5th, 2024
I made the decision to commit my life to Jesus at the early age of seven years old. I was also growing up with a deep love for the game of hockey. At thirteen I decided that my goal was to play colleg...  Read More
by Samuel Feamster
The Heart of a Champion: Tammy Adler’s Story
August 23rd, 2024
I often look at athletes as the epitome of a champion. From their athletic ability, sportsmanship, perseverance, strength, grit, commitment, etc - athletes show the rest of the world what it means to ...  Read More
by Michelle Steffes
Is Christ Real To You? / Guest Post by Jaxson Kaebel
August 8th, 2024
I grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma in a Christian home. We went to church as a family every Sunday. Like most Christian families, my parents taught my three younger siblings and I to pray before we ate and ...  Read More
by Jaxson Kaebel
Chasing Dreams and Pursuing Christ / Guest Post by Mitch Fossier
July 25th, 2024
When I was growing up as an athlete, it often time felt like a balancing act trying to live out my identity as a Christian while pursuing a sport competitively. I always wanted to display my faith in ...  Read More
by Mitch Fossier
Taking Territory for Christ - Guest Post by Karson Kaebel
June 27th, 2024
As I have meditated on the Word of God and asked the Holy Spirit what I should share, He keeps leading me to share the importance of being bold for Christ in the sport world and how it can be done wit...  Read More
by Karson Kaebel
A Story About A Time My Confidence Was Tested by Gary Steffes
June 13th, 2024
October 2015: I got the news a month into my sixth professional season. The San Jose Barracudas, the affiliate to the San Jose Sharks, wanted to call me up to the next level. I was ecstatic.  The news...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
Worshiping the Creation Rather than the Creator / Guest Post by Michael Tsamoutales
May 30th, 2024
As athletes, many of us have an objective to push our bodies to the limit to deliver peak performance on the field of competition. To achieve this, we know our approach requires effort from many angle...  Read More
by Michael Tsamoutales
Serve Before Kings / Guest Post by Jason Small
May 16th, 2024
Growing up, I was a prototypical athlete. I wanted to be the best at whatever I did. I felt the need to perform well no matter what and was miserable when I didn’t. I had a natural ability to play mul...  Read More
by Jason Small
When You Feel Inadequate / Guest Post by Brody Ramer
May 2nd, 2024
One figure within the Old Testament whose narrative journey with the Lord has always struck me as peculiar, is that of Samson. As a young man reading the story of Samson, spanning from Judges Ch. 13-1...  Read More
by Brody Ramer
The Transformative Power of Humility and Faith / Guest Post by David Nippard
April 19th, 2024
In the extremely competitive world of hockey, every athlete dreams of winning a championship and leaving behind a lasting legacy. I was no different. My goal has been to be a part of a first-place tea...  Read More
by David Nippard
God is Able by Gary Steffes
April 19th, 2024
Have you ever wrestled discouragement when you pray? Or felt yourself lose hope that change is even possible? Maybe you have been laboring in prayer for months -or years- and nothing seems to be chang...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
Immeasurably More / Guest Post by Josh Harrell
April 19th, 2024
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generation...  Read More
by Josh Harrell
Consecrating our Competitive Spirit / Guest Post by Ben Hughes
February 22nd, 2024
Confession time...There are times when I lose my cool behind the bench, especially after a bad call that the ref makes (or does not make) or if we make a poor play leading to a goal against. Sometimes...  Read More
by Ben Hughes
"B.U." - by Gary Steffes
February 4th, 2024
March 2009 — I woke up in my Washington D.C. hotel room filled with excitement. We, the Miami Redhawks, were in the Division I NCAA National Championship game. Two nights prior, in our first Frozen Fo...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
The Lie of Who I Was / Guest Post by Talor Joseph
January 28th, 2024
I was fortunate enough to grow up in a Christian home with a family who supported me wholeheartedly. Even with their support, it was easy to let hockey take over my identity and become my master over ...  Read More
by Talor Joseph
Have You Ever Asked "Why?" / Guest Post by Rick Fossier
January 21st, 2024
Every day we ask questions. “How does this work?” “When did she get there?” “What’s that noise coming from?” “Who got the promotion?” Or thought of through the lens of sports, the questions are a l...  Read More
by Rick Fossier
"Where is your God now, Steffes?" by Gary Steffes
December 23rd, 2023
“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).” (Matthew 1:23) “Where is your God now Steffes?”There were three minutes left in t...  Read More
by Gary Steffes
Presents or Presence - Which one do you seek? / Guest Post by Josh Sherley
December 17th, 2023
From the age of 3 until about 12, every year at Christmas time my parents would ask me to write down a big PRESENT that I would want. This ranged from a Lego set, to a bicycle, and everywhere in betwe...  Read More
by Josh Sherley
My Story of Redemption / Guest Post by Ben Johnson
October 20th, 2023
You know when people say: “We make our plans, and then God laughs at them, and instead gives us what we need?” Well, this is exactly what happened to me.While I once attended church religiously, it wa...  Read More
by Ben Johnson
Inside-Out Soul Care / Guest Post by Josh Sherley
September 21st, 2023
Have you ever thought, “How can I live a healthy Christian life?” For most of my life I thought living a healthy “Christian” life was centered around how well I could adhere to spiritual disciplines: ...  Read More
by Josh Sherley



30 Day Challenge Day 17: I Am Absolutely Significant, For I Am Salt And Light In This World30 Day Challenge Day 8: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Forgiven 30 Day Challenge Day 9: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Righteous30 Day Challenge Day 10: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Holy And Beloved 30 Day Challenge Day 11: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Justified By Faith30 Day Challenge Day 12: I Am Totally Accepted By God30 Day Challenge Day 13: I Am Absolutely Significant, For I Am A Child of God 30 Day Challenge Day 14: I Am Absolutely Significant For I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made30 Day Challenge Day 15: I Am Absolutely Significant For I Am Part Of The Royal Priesthood 30 Day Challenge Day 16: I Am Absolutely Significant, For I Am A Member Of Christ’s Body And A Temple Of The Living God30 Day Challenge Day 5: I Am Deeply Loved For I Am Cared For And Protected30 Day Challenge Day 18: I Am Completely Secure In Christ30 Day Challenge Day 19: I Am Completely Secure, For No One Can Snatch Me Out Of The Father’s Hands30 Day Challenge Day 20: I Am Completely Secure, For I Am Sealed By The Holy Spirit30 Day Challenge Day 21: I Am Completely Secure, For I Am Protected By The Power of God Through Faith30 Day Challenge Day 22: I Am Entirely New In Christ30 Day Challenge Day 23: I Am Entirely New, For I Have Been Given A New Heart30 Day Challenge Day 24: I Am Entirely New, For My Old Life Is Dead. I Have Been Raised To New Life30 Day Challenge Day 25: I Am Entirely New, For I Am Now A Citizen Of Heaven30 Day Challenge Day 26: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Witness30 Day Challenge Day 27: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am An Ambassador For Christ30 Day Challenge Day 28: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Disciple Maker 30 Day Challenge Day 29: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Chosen Instrument 30 Day Challenge Day 6: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Fully KnownThe Transformative Power of Humility and Faith / Guest Post by David NippardSee What God Did On Prayer Day 2024God is Able by Gary SteffesImmeasurably More / Guest Post by Josh HarrellThe Best Advice I Ever Got / Guest Post by Mike Zumpano30 Day Challenge: What's Next?30 Day Challenge: Celebration Day30 Day Challenge Day 1: I Am Deeply Loved30 Day Challenge Day 2: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Chosen30 Day Challenge Day 3: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Rescued From The Power Of Sin And Death30 Day Challenge Day 4: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Yearned For And Desired By God30 Day Challenge Day 30: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Fisher Of Men 30 Day Challenge Day 7: I Am Deeply Loved, For Nothing Can Separate Me From His Love

