Give Online

We are believing God for a MOVEMENT of Competitors for Christ across the world. Thank you for joining the team and advancing the mission!

Give by Check or Mail

Please make checks payable to Pure Encouragement. Our mailing address is:

Pure Encouragement
3349 Finola Ave SE
Palm Bay, FL, 32909

No Hindrance to the Gospel 

Jesus said in Matthew 10:8, “Freely you received, freely give." This has led to our core values of No Hindrance to the Gospel and Irrational Generosity, which means we seek to make our material accessible to all without finances being a limiting factor.

Therefore, we offer:
  • Free Soul Care groups to athletes, coaches, and leaders
  • Free Confidence trainings and groups
  • Free Team consulting
  • Free Leadership training and support for team captains
  • Free Digital Resources - including media, podcast, blog, and more.
  • Free Speaking at camps, events, retreats, and organizations

Will you help us strengthen more Competitors for Christ? Your gifts make this possible!

Want to Designate Your Gift?

You can give to specific fund as God leads you.

General Fund

Our staff salaries and ministry budgets are funded by the generosity of others. Your gifts to the General Fund go directly to empowering our ministry to impact lives.

Scholarship Fund

Help us remove every hindrance to the Gospel by providing scholarships for Journey Manuals and Confidence Packs.

Confidence Pack Fund

Help us develop our Confidence Pack to include a Confidence Manual, Soul Care Journal, 30 Day Identity Challenge, and Training Calendar. Your gifts to Confidence Pack Fund make it possible to reach more Competitors with the Gospel.

Have Questions or Need Help?

Please fill out the form below to get started.