All Eyes On You / Guest Post by Chris Kerr

What Jesus said in The Sermon on the Mount must be taken to heart, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” Athletes truly, truly are the city on the hill.

For athletes, the spotlight is always on and the light is always shining. It does not matter if you are a youth, high school, college, or professional player, eyes are on you. I have felt this firsthand as an elementary student, looking up to the local high school athletes. I have felt it as a high school athlete coaching summer camps and feeling the adoration of elementary students. Now as a coach in the college sector, I do everything I can to speak Christ into the teams I work with, because I know how many people they may impact. And at the professional level, that spotlight is only magnified.

Bottom line, athletes are incredibly known, talked about, and influential. As Christian athletes or coaches, we must use these platforms God has blessed us with. Despite our best efforts of humility, we cannot help it if the world puts us on a pedestal. As such, athletes and coaches must be faithful in glorifying Him through our efforts, actions, and words.
Right now, you may be feeling a sense of excitement, nervousness, or both. Excited that God has given you these opportunities to play a sport and bring him glory. Nervous because you realize the weightiness of having so much influence on people. Or both because you understand the platform you have been given, but nervous because you recognize the scrutiny you may be held to.

How then can we use these platforms to best influence others positively for Christ? How then can we be sure teammates, coaches, and fans see Christ working in us through the high and lows of sport? How do we glorify Him when we win, lose, or aren’t in the game because of an injury?

In reality, those are massive questions. But I have found three simple things as an athlete and now as a coach that have helped me and countless athletes I have worked with. The first is knowing your identity. The second is reading the Bible. The final one is prayer.

Know Your Identity

Who are you? How do you introduce yourself to people? As an athlete it is all too common to say, “Hi I’m Carl, I play hockey.” But your sport, your position, your stats are what you do. They are not who you are. You are a deeply loved servant of Christ. Knowing this and having it imprinted on your heart will keep you level headed. It will keep you from the high, highs and the low, lows and anxieties that sports bring.

With your identity rooted in Christ, you will influence others as you compete for Christ, not for things of this world which you cannot control. You will be the positive light in dark situations. You will put forth high efforts when everyone else is down. And when teammates or fans notice this difference in you and ask about it, you may share “I put forth such high efforts and stay so level headed because I compete for Christ. My performances do not define me. Christ loves me. He loves me so much that even while I was yet a sinner, He died for me.” (Romans 5:8).

Read Your Bible

Picture for a moment showing up to the first game of the year, with zero knowledge of the playbook. Zero knowledge of the plays, systems, or signal calls your team makes. How well would you expect to do? God’s word, the Bible, is our playbook for life! He has revealed everything we need to know about his love, mercy, and how we may glorify him and influence others in his Word.

By reading the Bible you stay connected with God’s truths, and influence others as you build up this memory of plays to use in everyday situations. Teammates or players you coach will know you’re the Christ follower and come to you with their life’s challenges. And you can go on the offensive and cut through the lies and hate of the world and reveal to them God’s grace. Knowing you are cutting through these lies and tough times with a mighty sword, “... the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” (Ephesians 6:17).


The final thing that has helped me influence others for Christ as an athlete and now a coach, is prayer. Jesus invites us to ask, seek, and knock (Matthew 7:7-8). Through all of life’s challenges, through all of life’s adversities, God wants us in relationship with him, communicating through prayer. The Psalms are full of examples of David opening his heart to the Lord.

Every day we may pray for teammates and coaches on the way to practice. Every day we may ask God to give us the right energy and attitude. And every day we may invite Christ into our hearts, that He may work through us, to bring him glory.
Christ-serving athletes and coaches stand out and shine in the world like a city on a hill. In the sports world, we are the light. Through Jesus, we have tremendous power to influence others. Remember your identity is in Christ, read God’s playbook, and be in constant communion with your Lord and Savior through prayer, which he actively invites us to do.
Go change the world, Influencers!
Chris Kerr is the Director of Sports Performance for Club Sports at Liberty University, a role he has held since 2014. He has been fortunate to be a part of teams that have won multiple National Championships. However, serving alongside other Christ followers and using sport to influence others towards Christ is his true life’s work.


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