Need Prayer?

No matter what you are facing in life right now, we want to pray for you! Our Prayer Team will pray for your need for 30 days. You can submit an anonymous request, or give us the opportunity to connect with you. We truly believe when we pray, God moves!

Become an Unsung Hero

The Pure Encouragement Prayer Team Members are the unsung heroes of the ministry. These men and women fight necessary spiritual battles and send the Holy Spirit ahead of us so we can come alongside more Competitors for Christ around the world.

Pray Without Ceasing

As Competitors for Christ, we must be steadfast in prayer for our teams! Get strengthened and encouraged with these resources.

Join Prayer Day

Every year in April, we intercede for the sports world as a national community. We cover every minute of the day in prayer as we cry out to God for a MOVEMENT of Competitors for Christ.

"And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)

Need Prayer?

No matter what you are facing in life right now, we want to pray for you! Our Prayer Team will pray for your need for 30 days. You can submit an anonymous request, or give us the opportunity to connect with you. We truly believe when we pray, God moves!