The Best Advice I Ever Got / Guest Post by Mike Zumpano

The Best Advice I Ever Got

Ten years ago, I started my career in collegiate coaching. I made an internal discovery early on in my coaching journey that has made the greatest impact in my leadership experience.
I stumbled upon a quote from Christian business leader, Michael Hyatt, who said, “The ultimate goal in leadership is not perfection; the ultimate goal in leadership is authenticity.”

While at first, I didn't fully comprehend Hyatt’s message, my decision to trust this simple advice began to open a whole new level of understanding for me.

What is Authenticity?

In some fields this topic can be a bit of a buzzword. Being the “authentic you” can become an excuse to simply act in a way that feels good in the moment or acts as a license to behave in a manner free of consequences or responsibility. However, in defining this topic more clearly and discovering some proven practices, those assumptions quickly dissolve to realize a much more noble and holy calling. So, what does it mean to be authentic?

Through much research on my quest for authenticity, I have developed my own interpretation of an authentic life. My guidelines are:

An Authentic man (or woman!)...

-       Knows who they are/are not (Identity)
-       Understands what to do (Character)
-       Journeys together (Leadership)
-       Trusts God they will get there (Faith)

Knows who they are/are not - Identity

For those of you who just finished the 30-Day Identity Challenge, you know this topic well. Those who haven't, that is a great place to start!

The truth is even from an early age we have lies that are being told to us - the enemy does not ever sleep. In a journey of authenticity, discovering the lies rooted within your life and allowing time for those areas to heal is one of the biggest steps in becoming a more authentic person. As you learn to use tools in life to identify those lies directly, it will help to shed the burdens of darkness to become lighter and more free than you ever might imagine. Remember, God is both light (not dark!) and light (not heavy!) - Matthew 11:28-30, James 1:17, 1 John 1:5, John 1:1-5

Understands what to do - Character

For those who lack character or are simply seeking to build it - the fact is it is not done overnight. This is an area of life that is built by experience as much as it is by knowledge. However, the experience and knowledge doesn't always have to be your own. You can collect it. Learning from others’ is wisdom in its simplest form (Prov 4:7-9). There are endless accessible sources if you are only diligent to learn the lessons, apply them, and never let them go. Eventually if you collect enough, you will not only learn to do the right thing, but soon you will be able to always discern what is the best thing! - Proverbs 3, Proverbs 8:11

Journeys together - Leadership

Why does anyone who accepts an award always begin by thanking others? It's because they recognize that no true success is ever realized alone. It is easy to be motivated to pursue individual success, but that is not what makes it meaningful. Success becomes significant only when it includes the work of others in the journey. When you begin to realize that everyone is a leader in some way, it becomes evident also that you need others to reach the goal and ultimately discover your true self God intends. - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Trusts God they will get there - Faith

This is one area of life that will bring growth in your journey of authenticity more than any other. The concept of faith is a powerful human element, but life quickly shows us that faith is only as good as what we place it in. If we're honest, we place our faith in a lot of things. Even as competitors, one of the easiest objects to place our belief in is ourselves. Usually this is to reach a dream, a goal or status level we long for. As we learn, that doesn't often last - especially as circumstances are ever-changing. However, when our trust is placed in the God of the universe, and in the Son of God, Jesus Christ- whose own authentic journey gave us permanent purpose and hope we can have ultimate confidence and we will complete our journey in victory! - Hebrews 12:1-3, James 1:12, Romans 11:29
As I now embark on my tenth season of coaching, I have been humbled and challenged by the growth and transformation I've experienced. While accolades and achievements are noteworthy, any success I’ve discovered is a result of this most rewarding pursuit of the most authentic version of who God has made me to be. It has caused me to work harder, to listen better, to trust further, to love deeper, to stay the course - and it has made all the difference. May this call to authenticity become a wholesome and steady encouragement to you in your own unique pursuit of discovery and fulfillment, both personally and professionally.
Mike Zumpano is entering his 10th season as an Assistant Coach for Liberty University Men’s Lacrosse. Coach Zumpano joined the coaching staff as the Defensive Coordinator in the fall of 2014 and has amassed a 91-37 record over 9 seasons. He graduated from Liberty in 2013 with a degree in Kinesiology: Exercise Science and a minor in Coaching. He went on to graduate with a Masters in Sport Management: Sport Administration from Liberty in the spring of 2016. Zumpano has also been an employee for Liberty Club Sports since 2014 and currently works as the Director of Business Operations.
X: @MikeyZee17

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