4 Ways to Start the Season Strong / Guest Post by Klage Kaebel

As a hockey player, I've always cherished the fall season. It marks the beginning of a new hockey season, filled with the thrill of endless possibilities. When I was on the ice, it was my moment to prove to coaches, teammates, and scouts the unwavering dedication I'd poured into my game during the summer. It was my time to show that I was ready to be an impact player for my team. Now, as a youth hockey coach and hockey director, I wear two hats: preparing my players and preparing myself to be the best coach I can be.  

For many players, the start of a new season brings both excitement and a flood of doubts and fears that can be overwhelming.

Did I train hard enough in the off-season? Will the coach appreciate my efforts? Will I be on the power play? What if I get injured? In a career that has such a narrow window of opportunity, what if I miss that crucial year? These are the thoughts that plague us all, threatening to steal the joy from a game we've loved all our lives, and pushing us towards anxiety.
But here's the good news:

As Christians, the Bible offers guidance on our mindset and how to approach new challenges.

I found my faith at the age of 17 in May 1994, and it completely transformed my perspective. Before, I had pursued my hockey dream without a strong foundation - all about me and my ambitions. Building our lives on a shaky foundation eventually leads to jealousy, pride, insecurity, and discontentment, which can cast a shadow over the game we adore.
When I discovered what the Bible said about me, it was a revelation. It's packed with promises about who we are in Christ, and it provides peace in every situation. Experiencing that peace for the first time was a game-changer. It calmed my inner turmoil and allowed me to trust in God's perfect plan for my life, making all the external noise nothing more than a distraction.

As you embark on a fresh season, whether it's hockey, another sport, parenthood, a new job, or any other adventure, here are a few things that have helped me, and I believe they'll help you too:

1. Recognize that God has a perfect plan for your life (Jeremiah 1:5). 
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” How powerful is that?  God knows you so well and He has a plan to put you in the right place at just the right time to fulfill His purpose for your life.  All you need to do is relax and trust Him.  
2. Your mindset is crucial. 
I remember when I first got saved my brother told me, “Garbage in, garbage out.”  Very simple concept, right?  If you are listening to negative people, watching ungodly things, and just filling your life with “garbage,” it will show in how you approach life.  I have good news. There is a better way.  What is the opposite of letting the negativity of this world control you?  Avoid negativity and focus on God's word and positive, Godly influences (Proverbs 23:7).
3. Surround yourself with the right people. 
I always tell my kids, “You are the sum of the closest six people in your life.” Boy, have I ever found that true in life. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says this: “Don’t be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.” Through all the years I played hockey, every team had a wide representation of players with both good and bad character. The players that showed bad character often seemed to be having more fun but the players that had good character were always more successful. Find the people that make YOU a better person and lift you up. This is HUGE!  There is a way that SEEMS right to a man, but it ends in the way of death (Proverbs 12:12). The point here is people who choose to openly disobey the scriptures may not see the negative in the near future, but through time it will destroy them.  I encourage you to surround yourself with champions and you in turn will become a champion.
4. Lastly, remember to enjoy life and laugh often. 
God's desire for you is abundant life, to give you a hope and a future (John 10:10, Jeremiah 29:11)! Don't miss out on the present moment. Learn from those who have gone before you. Work hard, stay focused, and embrace life. Don’t get so caught up in the next goal that you miss all the gifts you are given in the present!  
As you enter this new season, may these tips empower you. New beginnings, whether personal or in leadership, are frequent. Attack each season with confidence, knowing that the Lord goes before you. Go in strong!
Klage was awarded a scholarship to the University of Alaska Anchorage, where he showcased his skills in the WCHA over the course of four years. In his senior year, he not only earned a spot on the WCHA All-Academic Team but also received recognition as a leader, clinching the leadership award for his team. Post-college, Klage Kaebel pursued a successful six-year professional hockey career, with his initial season in Tulsa being particularly memorable as he clinched the coveted Fan Favorite Award. Currently, Klage thrives as the Hockey Director for the Tulsa General Oilers Youth Hockey Program (tulsajroilers.com), a role he has passionately embraced for an impressive 11 years. Beyond honing the skills of young hockey talents, he is equally devoted to nurturing their spiritual growth, helping the next generation forge a connection with their faith and Jesus Christ. Klage Kaebel's journey in hockey and his commitment to youth development and faith exemplify a life dedicated to excellence both on and off the ice.

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