What is the 30 Day Challenge?

The 30 Day Identity Challenge is a tool to renew our mind and stand firm in who God declares us to be!

As Competitors, too often we believe our worth and value is tied to our performance and what others think. Such belief hinders our confidence and effects our leadership.

Confidence and freedom are possible! Are you ready to tear through lies and start standing in your true identity?

"But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God" - John 1:12

How It Works

1. Order a 30 Day Challenge Book or download the free PDF here
2. Organize a Group by inviting your teammates!
3. Journal one verse a day for 30 days and share it with your group to encourage one another!

What To Expect

Buy or Download the 30 Day Challenge

Physical Copy

Free PDF Copy

Use the Blog

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the Challenge start?

Every January we take the Challenge as a national community or do it on your own anytime!

Who can join?

Anyone! Coaches, athletes, alumni, parents, or sports fans. All are invited!

What do I need to take the challenge?

Get your copy of the 30 Day Identity Challenge and a journal. That is all you need!

How much does it cost?

Completely free!

Can I lead a group?

Absolutely! Let us know if we can help you get started!

What is the commitment?

Journal one promise of God a day and share it in the group chat.

Register Here

Still Have Questions?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below and one of our PE team members will contact you.