Posts with the category “identity”

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30 Day Challenge Day 17: I Am Absolutely Significant, For I Am Salt And Light In This World30 Day Challenge Day 8: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Forgiven 30 Day Challenge Day 9: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Righteous30 Day Challenge Day 10: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Holy And Beloved 30 Day Challenge Day 11: I Am Totally Accepted, For I Am Justified By Faith30 Day Challenge Day 12: I Am Totally Accepted By God30 Day Challenge Day 13: I Am Absolutely Significant, For I Am A Child of God 30 Day Challenge Day 14: I Am Absolutely Significant For I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made30 Day Challenge Day 15: I Am Absolutely Significant For I Am Part Of The Royal Priesthood 30 Day Challenge Day 16: I Am Absolutely Significant, For I Am A Member Of Christ’s Body And A Temple Of The Living God30 Day Challenge Day 5: I Am Deeply Loved For I Am Cared For And Protected30 Day Challenge Day 18: I Am Completely Secure In Christ30 Day Challenge Day 19: I Am Completely Secure, For No One Can Snatch Me Out Of The Father’s Hands30 Day Challenge Day 20: I Am Completely Secure, For I Am Sealed By The Holy Spirit30 Day Challenge Day 21: I Am Completely Secure, For I Am Protected By The Power of God Through Faith30 Day Challenge Day 22: I Am Entirely New In Christ30 Day Challenge Day 23: I Am Entirely New, For I Have Been Given A New Heart30 Day Challenge Day 24: I Am Entirely New, For My Old Life Is Dead. I Have Been Raised To New Life30 Day Challenge Day 25: I Am Entirely New, For I Am Now A Citizen Of Heaven30 Day Challenge Day 26: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Witness30 Day Challenge Day 27: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am An Ambassador For Christ30 Day Challenge Day 28: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Disciple Maker 30 Day Challenge Day 29: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Chosen Instrument 30 Day Challenge Day 6: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Fully KnownThe Transformative Power of Humility and Faith / Guest Post by David NippardSee What God Did On Prayer Day 2024God is Able by Gary SteffesImmeasurably More / Guest Post by Josh HarrellThe Best Advice I Ever Got / Guest Post by Mike Zumpano30 Day Challenge: What's Next?30 Day Challenge: Celebration Day30 Day Challenge Day 1: I Am Deeply Loved30 Day Challenge Day 2: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Chosen30 Day Challenge Day 3: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Rescued From The Power Of Sin And Death30 Day Challenge Day 4: I Am Deeply Loved, For I Am Yearned For And Desired By God30 Day Challenge Day 30: I Am Purposefully Sent, For I Am A Fisher Of Men 30 Day Challenge Day 7: I Am Deeply Loved, For Nothing Can Separate Me From His Love

