What is the Journey?

The Journey is a discipleship process to help Competitors find an intimate, abiding relationship with Christ that will enable them to become transformational Coaches, Athletes, and Champions in their world.
As Competitors, when we experience intimacy with Christ, we start to walk by the Spirit and bear fruit that lasts for eternity!

"I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." - John 15:5

How It Works

1. Register at the link below.
2. Our PE Team will set you up to join a group.
3. Check it out for a month to see if it's for you.
4. Order a Journey Pack
5. Pursue intimacy with Christ!

Frequently Asked Questions

When do new groups start?

Groups start in August and run to April. 

Who can join?

Our groups are currently for Men only 16+, but may open to women soon. Groups include coaches, athletes, athletic directors, retired athletes, scouts, parents, and business leaders. We welcome every Competitor who is hungry for an intimate, abiding relationship with Christ!

What if groups have already started? Can I still join?

Absolutely! We welcome any new Competitors (men ages 16+) to join us at any point in the season.

How much does it cost?

The only cost is ordering a Journey Pack, which includes a Journey Manual, 5 books, and a Journal, in a one time purchase of $100. Scholarships are available. We will not let finances be an issue for anyone who wants to seek Jesus!

Where do I order Journey Materials?

We partner with Influencers Global Ministries. Journey Packs can be ordered here.

What is the commitment?

Journey participants make a one-month commitment to see if it is a fit. After the first month, we encourage Journey brothers to purchase materials and take the Journey!

New to Journey?

Already Know Your Group?

Still Have Questions?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below and one of our PE team members will contact you.