What is Prayer Day?

On April 12, 2024 we will intercede as a nation for the sports community. Every minute of the day will be covered in prayer as we cry out to God for a MOVEMENT of Competitors for Christ.

"Then he said to me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts." (Zech. 4:6)

Two Ways To Be Involved

1. Pray from 12-1 pm EST with others across the nation

At the same time with the same Prayer Guide, people across the nation will unite to prayer bomb the sports community. Each person will be assigned a specific sport or University and focus their prayer effort on that community. The first 30 minutes will be individual; the second half will be praying together as a nation on Zoom. Will you be the voice for your sport?

2. Pray for a 30 minute block

Every minute of Prayer Day will be covered in prayer. Will you be one of the 96 people who commit to praying for the sports community for 30 minutes? Together, we will cry out to God continuously for 24 hours!

"And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." - Acts 4:12

How It Works

1. Register to pray
2. Our team will send you a Prayer Guide and necessary links.
3. Invite teammates and family members to join if you want.
4. On April 12, 2024, pray diligently! 

WHERE Are People Praying in 2024?

WHY Are People Praying?

Chris H.
(CrossFit - California)

Prayer is absolutely essential for the sports community. Here are three reasons I pray regularly:
1. The more success I personally see and the more I get in the spotlight, it keeps me humble and aligned with God’s heart and desires.
2. Prayer invites the Holy Spirit into my ministry and platform to produce fruit that lasts for eternity.
3. Prayer reaches beyond my human limitations to glorify God and have kingdom impact!

Cole G.
(Journey - North Carolina)

Praying over the sports community is so important. Prayer is how we communicate with God & grow in our faith. It’s important we pray for the athletes in the sports community to rely on their faith, stand firm in their identity, and for them to use their sport as a way to impact the world for Jesus.

Mike Z.
(Lacrosse - Virginia)

God knows our communities are in need of an outpouring of hope and freedom from the difficulties we face. Our calling as believers is to lead others into this place as influencers in our local area. The sports world is one of the greatest areas to pose this influence. With the guidance of Pure Encouragement, let's partner in Christ to pray for leaders to rise up and help  our communities receive the hope and freedom found only in Christ!

Marc B.
(Hockey - Vermont)

It is easy to put our respective sport first and to drift off the right path. Being an elite athlete is demanding and requires time and focus. Establishing a strong foundation in Christ and praying for each other is of utmost importance. It has pushed me to be a better teammate by shifting my focus from myself to the team and what others need.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is Prayer Day?

April 12, 2024 

Who can join?

Anyone! Coaches, athletes, alumni, parents, or sports fans. All are invited!

What do I need to join?

Just a heart to pray for the sports community! We will send you the Prayer Guide and the Zoom link.

How much does it cost?

Completely FREE!

Can I lead a group?

Absolutely! Our team would love to help you organize a prayer gathering.

Can I join both prayer efforts?

Absolutely! You can join the national prayer from 12-1 pm EST and be one of the 96 people uniting to pray for 24 hours straight! 

Register Here

Still Have Questions?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below and one of our team members will contact you.